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Nuestra compañia

Somos Pest Master Services, su Pest Control y inspeccion de Termitas cerca de mi,  ¡No más invasores! Esa es nuestra promesa. Todo tipo de plagas, desde hormigas, Cucarachas, Pulgas, roedores, Chinches, Inspeccion y tratamientos de Termitas y muchos mas. Nuestro tratamiento es seguro, efectivo y garantizado. eliminamos las plagas y evitamos que regresen. No permita que Termitas ratas o plagas arruinen su hogar y su salud. Llámenos hoy al 407 818 58 72 y obtenga un presupuesto gratuito

Our team


Don't let pests disturb your way of living. At Pestmaster we provide high-quality work and are prepared to effectively handle your pest problem. Contact us today to find out more about our service offerings. call us 407 818 5872 and one of our service representatives will be in contact with you shortly.


Great Technician for your Company. Checks on things that have been a problem and has helped with the mice problem under the house. Thank goodness!! He takes the time to talk with you and to let you know what needs to be done. This time no mice under the house, they are having a meal outside instead, which is what he wanted to accomplish. We will see what happens between now and our next upcoming service. Nice to know if we need his service we can call and he'll be here to help out. Oh yes, hardly see a spider which is fantastic, since he sprayed the first time. We don't need their company!

 Great Job Charles. Happy Thanksgiving. Jay and Linda Williams"